01273 476311
Clark Brownscombe prides itself on delivering excellent service to all our clients. We don’t just do your accounts and returns, we look after you.
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Our expert team works with all types of businesses, large and small, offering a full range of services covering accounts preparation, audit, tax planning, payroll assistance and company secretarial services.

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Individuals and Trusts

Individual is right - there is no ‘one size fits all’. We understand that each of our individual and trust clients has different needs and we make sure that they are offered the right type of service to suit them.

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We work with a number of charities and not-for-profit organisations. We can provide specific expertise in the right areas and a comprehensive understanding of the sector and its needs.

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Contact us

2 St Andrews Place
East Sussex

Telephone: 01273 476311  Fax: 01273 486606
Email: admin@cblewes.co.uk

Logo: The Institute of Chartered Accountants

ICO no. ZA155802